Dear First Year Teacher,
I know you are feeling over whelmed. You don't know what you are teaching. You don't know your team really well. Your room is not Pinterest and Instagram ready and you won't get paid until school starts. From an 8 year teacher let me tell you all that does not matter. Here are a few tips to get you through surviving.
1. Have Patience
Have patience that everything will get done. Do not get overwhelmed with everything not falling into place so soon. Eventually everything gets done. Have patience with your team, admin and coworkers as they want to help you. You're room may not be perfect and picture ready but the students will still learn.
2. Trust
Trust in your coworkers. You have some of the best mentors on your own campus. Use them and abuse them. They are there to help you and will help you. I could not have gotten through my first year without my teammate. She made me the teacher I am today and owe a lot to her. Trust in their knowledge and do not be afraid to ask questions.
3. Learn
You only thought you were done learning. Study your curriculum. Get to really know what your teaching. You can't teach it without knowing it. Learn by observing other teachers. Do not be afraid to ask to observe other teachers. As teachers you never stop learning.
4. Plan
It's obvious to plan as a teacher, but really plan. Plan your lessons, plan your day, plan your lunch! As teachers you are known to multi task and if you don't sit down and write things down, you will forget. Take time to look ahead at your week. There is always that meeting during your conference that you do not want to miss.
5. Make Time For You
As a first year teacher you will have many early days and late days. You will take home your bag filled with lessons to plan and papers to be graded. Do not forget about you. Make it a priority to give yourself sometime. The things will get done and you have a lot of support from your school.
6. Enjoy
Enjoy each and every day! Even on your worse day your kids think you are the best teacher. Have fun with them. Love them, care for them and take time to talk and listen to them. You will be surprised how much you learn from them.
First year teacher, your first year is about to begin. You only get one first year and your first class. Soak it in and learn. Do not be afraid to ask for help. The year will fly by and before you know it will be done.
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